Category Archives: Fast Travels

Introducing Fast Travels

Fast Travels to Ingress Dallas

If you haven’t noticed by now, I’m terrible at keeping track of tiny things. This includes loose change, pen caps, and, unfortunately, memory cards. But I’m also pretty good at finding them waaaayyyyy down the line. In this particular case, I found the footage from my walkabout in Downtown Dallas.

To put it more specifically, my walkabout in Downtown Dallas while learning what Ingress is. For those of you with waning memory, you can still read my writeup from back in December. Otherwise, learn what it’s like to spend a day enmeshed in a game community you know nothing about!

This is a work in progress. Well, not the video; that’s done. But the series is something open to criticism and change. It’s supposed to highlight what it’s like to spend your time learning about new games, being in new places, and meeting new people. Tell me what you want to see more or less of: the games, the places, my or other faces. Just tell me!

Also, thanks to Alex Schultz for the intro and background music. You should checkout some of his stuff.

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